The Google Earth tab on the left takes you to a site where you can spin the planet and visit over 400 locations showing our effects on the oceans, both good and bad.
The four Seas & Us tabs lead to a kayak paddler's adventures ranging from the Bering Strait to Cape Horn and discussions about issues affecting ocean health, including over fishing, plastics and acidification.

Oceans = Life
​Ocean Acidification Review
[ OAR ]

The lone tanker in view, the Bum Shin, looks impressive in size. It is 19,997 dead weight tons. The expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline will triple the amount of bitumen shipped from the Port of Vancouver. The Bum Shin is way smaller than the Afrimax-sized tankers, up to 245 meters in length and maximum capacity of 120,000 tons, that will be carrying tar sands bitumen out between Canada's Gulf Islands and the American San Juan Islands and around the south end of Vancouver Island. The extraction and burning of heavy oil is the second most carbon intensive source of energy, behind coal.
This website is about the ocean and how it is being changed by the burning of fossil fuels, over-fishing and pollution. There is also information about alternative energy strategies. Also noted are ocean pH (acid) readings from a few places on the globe (from friends in wet places).

There are over 400 icons you can click on to zoom in on coal mines, power plants, solar and wind sites, and much more. Since U.S. President Biden has taken office environmentalists around the world have become a little more optimistic that the harm we are inflicting on our beautiful blue planet can be reduced. I, too have been heartened by this and have highlighted the positive things that we humans are doing. Still, there are more negatives than positives on this site. Global emissions are still increasing!

I am sitting on a rock, at water’s edge, watching the wigeons nibbling on unseen shore nutrients. Farther out, bufflehead and goldeneye ducks are diving for small fish. Beyond, in the bay, a dozen freighters and a lone tanker lie at anchor. For these birds, and for all life dependent on a healthy sea, this is a big problem. Most of these freighters are bulk carriers and most of their cargo will be coal – the world’s dirtiest, most abundant fossil fuel, and largest contributor to the climate crisis. Every ton of thermal coal burned to produce electricity releases about two tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. 30% of this is absorbed into the oceans. The oceans of the world are already 30% more acidic than before the industrial era began and they are changing much more rapidly than sea animals can adapt. In my area of the world, oyster larvae are dying due to acidification, and salmon are at risk. Vancouver, B.C. is the largest exporter of coal in North America.
Ducks, Ships & Coal
Shipping Bitumen

Google Earth
The information is presented on Google Earth. To all of the journalists, authors and scientists whom I have quoted: In order to fit your quotes into the Google dialogue boxes, I sometimes had to shorten and abbreviate. However, I am certain that I have kept true to the meaning of your remarks, even as I have left out your first names. I am sorry.

If you haven’t already, you will need to download Google Earth. The Earth page of this site, will take you to the link.

So, spin the world. Click and double click. Our time is short.

Douglass Simpson
Victoria Harbour
March, 2021